This module contains all topics from patient selection, anatomical considerations, surgical principles, post operative care, complications and restorative considerations.

Implant literature

Review of dental implants. Historical changes

  1. submerged and non-submerged implants
  2. long term implant success
  3. Periodontal considerations around dental implants
  4. Implants vs Fixed Partial Dentures
  5. implant-supported overdentures

Osseointegration & Bone interface, Surfaces & Threads, Connections, Platform Switching, Depth of Placement 

  1. assessment of osseointegration
  2. microscopic evaluation of osseointegration
  3. Bone-implant interface (Placement and Initial Healing)
  4. Bone-implant interface (Function or Failure)
  5. biomechanical determinants of implant stability
  6. Effect of implant length (crown to implant ratio) and width
  7. implant stability per bone type
  8. adaptive capacity of bone around dental implants
  9. platform switching
  10. tissue level vs. bone level implants
  11. subcrestal vs. equicrestal implant placement
  12. abutment interface and microgap
  13. implant design and surface treatment
  14. sandblasted and acid-etched implant surfaces

Implant – Soft Tissue Considerations

  1. Soft tissue interface with Implants
  2. Supracrestal Attachment Tissues
  3. Soft tissue healing around implants
  4. Keratinized &/Or Attached Tissue
  5. Increasing Keratinized Tissue Dimension around Implants
  6. Collagen Matrix
  7. Tissue Thickness (Periodontal Phenotype) / Crestal bone stability
  8. Soft Tissue Stability and Restorative Considerations

Implant Treatment Planing: Anatomy and Radiology

  1. implant related anatomy in skulls
  2. maxillary applied anatomy
  3. mandibular interforaminal bone morphology
  4. hemorrhage risk in the anterior mandible
  5. maxillary foramina
  6. greater palatine foramen
  7. CBCTs

Implant Treatment Planning- patient & risk factors that can affect implant health

  1. Anatomy
  2. Medical Overview
  3. Smoking
  4. Diabetics
  5. Osteoporosis and/or Bisphosphonates
  6. Radiation Therapy
  7. Other Disorders involving Bone
  8. Anticoagulants
  9. Other medications
  10. Periodontal disease
  11. Parafunction
  12. Age at Placement (growth)
  13. Age at placement (outcome)

Implant Treatment Planning- Prosthetics

  1. Implant vs RCT or 3-unit bridge
  2. Implant Supported Fixed Maxillary Anterior
  3. Implant Supported Fixed for Partial Edentulism
  4. Implant supported Removable for Partial Edentulism
  5. Implant Supported Fixed for Full Edentulism
  6. Implant Occlusal Schemes
  7. Surgical Guides
  8. Provisional Restorations

Surgical Principles 1:  Basic Implant Surgery

  1. Surgical Technique
  2. Flap Management
  3. Implant Stability
    1. resonance frequency device
    2. insertion torque
    3. osseodensification
  4. Lekholm and Zarb Bone classification
  5. Sutures
  6. Antibiotics

Surgical Principles 2: second stage, surgery, healing abutments and cover screws, soft tissue, 1 & 2 stage approach, abutment design concepts

  1. one stage vs. two stage implants
  2. abutment geometry
  3. influence of gingival tissue thickness on crestal bone loss
  4. facial gingival tissue thickness
  5. how implants maintain crestal bone levels
  6. diode laser for implant exposure
  7. implant uncovery
  8. pouch roll technique for implant uncovering
  9. creating new papillae between implants
  10. healing abutment and cover screws

Implant Length and Width Options: Short Implants and Splinting, Narrow, Wide and Tilted Implants

  1. Short vs. long implants
  2. 5 mm implants
  3. 4 mm implants
  4. crown to implant ratio
  5. splinting short implants
  6. normal width vs narrow implants
  7. wide implants
  8. tilted implants

Extraction healing,  socket classification, ridge preservation, and materials.

  1. Healing of Extraction Sockets
  2. Ridge Preservation Options
  3. Implant Success in Grafted Sites
  4. Bone remodeling after Implant placement
  5. Placement into recently infected sites
  6. tooth extraction healing
  7. Ridge preservation
  8. Bone repair with grafting
  9. extraction socket cassification
  10. demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft in socket grafts
  11. recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2
  12. flapless extraction technique

Implants in the Esthetic Zone- Pink Esthetic Score, Papillas, Immediate & Early Placement, and Socket Shield

  1. Pink esthetic score (PES)
  2. The Papilla Adjacent to Implants
  3. Immediate implant placement
  4. Early implant placement 
  5. Loading Protocol and placement timing
  6. Partial Extraction therapies (PET) / Socket shield / Root membrane technique

Post surgical 1- Early, late,  & immediate loading,  functional and non-functional loading, provisionals

  1. immediate provisionalization
  2. immediate loading
  3. Functional and Non Functional Loading
  4. implant stability of immediate loaded implants
  5. Immediate Loading of Post extraction Implants
  6. Immediately restored anterior maxilla implants

Post surgical 2 – Implant complications, immediate, medium and late term implant failures

  1. Failures of fixed implant prostheses
  2. implant complications
    1. chronic pain from dental implants
    2. iatrogenic complications
    3. bleeding, infection
    4. cover screw issues
    5. spontaneous early exposure
    6. neurosensory, paresthesia
  3. implant repositioning
  4. Nasopalatine duct
  5. Fractured Dental Implant Screw
  6. Mandibular Fractures
  7. Implant removal
  8. implants in previously failed sites

Post surgical 3- peri-implant health, peri-implant mucositis, peri-implantitis, maintenance

  • Discrepancies in case definitions within Publications
  • Current consensus definitions
  • Proposed Peri-implantitis Stratification
  • Incidence and/or Prevalence
  • Etiology: mechanical and biologic
  • Diagnosing Peri-implant Disease
  • Treatment and Outcomes of Peri-implant Disease
  • Implant Home care
  • Implant Maintenance

Advanced Surgery: Vertical and Horizontal Ridge Augmentation

  1. Decision Making for Ridge Augmentation
  2. Systematic reviews
  3. Implants with and without Ridge Augmentation
  4. Comparisons with grafted ridges vs short implants
  5. Block Autograft (Horizontal and Vertical)
  6. Khoury Plates
  7. Ridge Expansion/Ridge Split
  8. Particulate Techniques
  9. Titanium mesh
  10. Infuse /rhBMP / Growth Factors / Autologous Blood Products
  11. Nerve Transposition

Advanced Surgery: Sinus lifting techniques: direct and indirect techniques, complications, and survival 

  1. blood supply to the maxillary sinus
  2. management of septa
  3. crestal approach or indirect osteotome maxillary sinus floor elevation
  4. maxillary sinus elevation lateral window approach
  5. vertigo following oteotome elevation
  6. membrane perforations
  7. bleeding complications after sinus lift
  8. risk factors for sinus lifts
  9. post operative infections
  10. maxillary sinusitis

Advanced Surgery:  Biological aspects. Material selections. Histological results. Success/Survival rate of implants in grafted maxilla. 

  1. maxillary sinus augmentation- comparisons of techniques and materials
  2. PRGF in maxillary sinus augmentation
  3. rhBMP-2 in maxillary sinus floor augmentation
  4. anorganic bovine bone (Bio-Oss) and autologous platelet-rich plasma
  5. histological results after maxillary sinus augmentation: materials comparison
  6. factors affecting sinus graft height
  7. simultaneous sinus lift and implant placement
  8. survival rates for implants placed in the grafted maxillary sinus
  9. membrane perforation and implant survival
  10. use of short implants
  11. implant dimension and failure
  12. immediate loading of implants

 Advanced Surgery: Guided Surgery and Guides

  1. Guided Surgery Overview
  2. Type of Guides
  3. Guided  Surgery Accuracy
  4. Dynamic Guided Surgery

 Additional Literature Review (recommended