
The oral exam of the American Academy Board of Periodontology is typically given in May each year. The exam includes presentation of clinical situations where candidates are tested on decision making and knowledge regarding the entities presented. A description of the current oral board exam can be found below.

A limited sample of 12 vignettes are contained in this module.  This section is NOT a substitute for taking a structured board review course, which I highly recommend.

The best way to use this module is to try and simulate that you are actually being tested. Set a timer for 10 minutes and go thru each web page attempting to answer the examiner questions.

Before you begin, check out the HINTS PAGE.

The oral exam of the American Academy Board of Periodontology is typically given in May each year. The includes presentation of clinical situations where candidates are tested on decision making and knowledge regarding the entities presented.

 Exam Format: Two sessions of 1.5 hours each.

  • Two examiners per session for a total of four different examiners
  • A total of five case protocols and three vignettes
  • Vignette topics may include: medical management; medical emergencies; periodontal or oral medicine; perio-pathology; post-op complications; and management of failures
  • Each 30-minute case protocol will be graded on the following skills: Diagnosis; Etiology; Prognosis; Treatment Plan; Therapy and Evaluation of Therapy; and Maintenance (not covered here).
  • Each 10-minute vignette protocol will be graded on two skills: Diagnosis and Therapy. They are referred to as vignettes. In this module a limited sample of vignettes are included.
  • At the end of each vignette users are free to post comments.  Keep in mind there are many possible avenues clinicians can take in solving clinical problems. Vignettes are oral. Examiners evaluate  a candidate’s decision making and their basis for those decisions. This module cannot duplicate that process. It simply exposes the user to the types of situations and questions you may see.