The classic periodontal literature module is divided into 3 main groups.
Classic Periodontal Literature
1. Anatomy & the pathologic processes of periodontitis.
2. Diagnosis and etiology.
3. Interventions- both non surgical, surgical and occlusion.
Periodontal anatomy and the pathologic processes of periodontitis
- Soft tissue anatomy and attached gingiva.
- The dentogingival junction
- Collagen and the PDL
- Periodontal Immunology
- Inflammation & Pathogenesis of periodontitis
- Measures and predictors of disease activity
- Epidemiology of periodontitis and indices
- Gingival crevicular fluid
- Saliva
Control of etiology, diagnostic methods, criteria and classification system
1. Etiology- microbiology of perio / biofilm
2. Etiology – Local Factors: Calculus and tooth anatomy & mouth breathing
3. Etiology- local: plaque control- 1
4. Etiology- local: plaque control 2 & local drug delivery
5. Etiology- local control 3: Antimicrobial rinses & Antibiotics
2. Etiology – Local Factors: Calculus and tooth anatomy & mouth breathing
3. Etiology- local: plaque control- 1
4. Etiology- local: plaque control 2 & local drug delivery
5. Etiology- local control 3: Antimicrobial rinses & Antibiotics
8. Diagnosis, prognosis and treatment planning
9. Disease progression: untreated vs treated
10. Systemic factors in periodontitis
11. Periodontal medicine
12. Risk factors for periodontitis
9. Disease progression: untreated vs treated
10. Systemic factors in periodontitis
11. Periodontal medicine
12. Risk factors for periodontitis
16. Statistics
Interventions: occlusion, non surgical and surgical treatment for periodontitis, esthetic periodontal surgery and more.
- Root surface management
- Occlusal Trauma- part 1
- Occlusal trauma- part 2
- Principles of periodontal surgery
- Gingivectomy & retro molar areas
- Curettage, ENAP & LANAP
- Flap Surgery -designs and indications
- Strategic extraction & retention of hopeless teeth
- Alveolar Bone: Normal Anatomy, osseous defects, socket healing
- Osseous surgery: resection
- Osseous surgery: regeneration of vertical defects & guided tissue regeneration (GTR)
- Augmentation: autogenous bone grafting
- Augmentation: allografts
- Augmentation: alloplasts and xenografts
- Augmentation: biologics and growth factors
- Wound healing 1: GTR, biologics and stem cells
- Wound healing 2: GTR-concepts, membranes, histology
- Furcation Therapy: diagnosis & etiology, management, results of therapy
- Physical (Laser) and Electrical Therapy in Perio
- Comparison of surgical vs non surgical results
- Periodontal maintenance and retreatment
- Esthetics: 1. Recession, attached gingiva- the free graft (FGG), pedicle and coronally advanced flap
- Esthetics: 2. Recession and root coverage procedures
- Esthetics: 3. Recession- biologics, allografts, xenografts,and GTR
- Esthetics: 4. pontic sites, papillas, non carious cervical lesions and esthetic crown lengthening
- Interdisciplinary: perio-pedo
- Interdisciplinary: perio- ortho
- Interdisciplinary: perio- oral surgery
- Interdisciplinary: perio- restorative dentistry